Install python in Ubuntu 20.04

Install python in Ubuntu 20.04

- in Devnet, Linux

Python 3 is installed by default on the Ubuntu 20.04 Linux distribution.

To ensure that our versions are up to date, we will update and upgrade the system with the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y upgrade

Command to check the version of Python we have installed:

python3 -V

we will need to install the python3-pip package. Pip is a tool that will install and manage software packages for Python. The installation is done with the following command:

sudo apt install -y python3-pip

You can check the version of the pip command with the following command:

pip -V 
pip3 -V

Once the pip command is installed, we can install the various python packages according to our needs.

Pip is used with the following command:

pip3 install package_name

To see the list of all pip commands and options use the following command:

pip3 --help

You can get more information about a specific command using:

pip3 <command> --help

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